
Grades 7–12

We exist to develop youth into disciples of Jesus Christ. We do this by leading school students into a life-transforming relationship with Jesus by creating a fun-loving community where each student feels known and cared for.

The best way to stay in touch with Youth Ministries is to subscribe to our Text Updates!

 Text "YOUTH" to 215-337-2467  



Sunday Night Youth Group

Sunday nights from 6:30–8:30 pm at Riverstone Church
Students in grades 7–12 engage in fun group games, student-led music, small groups, and teaching from God's truth found in His Word. We also have many events throughout the year like, day trips, special events, retreats and more.


Sunday Morning 7–8th Grade Class

Sunday mornings at 9 am in Room 244 
We meet each Sunday morning during the 9 am service only in Room 244 on the boardwalk. We will study the story of the God’s Word and learn how to teach it to others. There will be some Sunday mornings with no class because of youth leader meetings or youth retreats.


Youth Calendar

Find out what's happening in Youth Minisitry or follow the link to register for an upcoming event!

event registrations