Daniel Reese
I have been an employee at Garden State Youth Correctional Facility in Yardville, New Jersey for the past 25 years. My job titles were Institutional Trade Instructor 2 and Truck Driver Supervisor. I became a member of Corinth Baptist Church in Ewing, NJ in 1987. Twelve years later, I became a Christian in 1999, then in 2001 I became a youth and teen minister. I continued at Corinth until 2022 when I began attending Cornerstone Church in Plainsboro, NJ regularly for 18 months before arriving here at Riverstone Church. I now work as a custodian and fellowship. Even though my experience here at Riverstone Church has been short, from the moment I walked in, the love of God was instantly felt through His people. To God be the glory for allowing me this opportunity to work and fellowship with my new family here at Riverstone.
Fun Fact: I enjoy baking and listening to country music